This document establishes the necessary provisions related to the use of Essepage and its associated services. Essepage provides various services and functionalities, and some of the regulations outlined below may not pertain to the specific services you are using.
Article 1 General Provisions
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of these Terms of Service is to stipulate the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the company (hereinafter referred to as "Company") and the members, as well as other necessary matters regarding the use of the services and related services provided by Essepage (hereinafter referred to as "Services").
1.2 Definition of Terms
The definitions of terms used in these Terms of Service are as follows:
- "Member" refers to a customer who accesses the Company’s services and enters into a service contract with the Company according to these Terms.
- "ID" refers to a combination of characters and numbers defined by the member and approved by the Company for the purpose of member identification and service use.
- "Password" refers to a combination of characters or numbers chosen by the member.
- "Paid Services" refers to various website construction services and related services provided by the Company for a fee.
- "Post" or "Content" refers to information in the form of characters, letters, sounds, images, videos, and various files and links posted by members while using the services.
- "Service Contract" refers to the contract entered into between the Company and the member regarding the use of the services.
- "Subscriber" refers to an individual who has registered on the website operated by the member.
- "Spam" refers to advertising information sent or posted unilaterally for commercial purposes without the consent of the subscriber through the information and communication network.
- "Illegal Spam" refers to advertising information sent or posted for commercial purposes in violation of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.
- "Infringement Incident" refers to a situation caused by acts of attacking the information and communication network or related information systems in the following ways:
- Hacking, computer viruses, logic bombs, mail bombs, denial of service, or high-output electromagnetic waves.
- Installing programs or technical devices on the information and communication network or related information systems that allow access to the information and communication network while bypassing normal protection and authentication procedures.
- Any other application as stipulated by related laws or service-specific guidelines.
1.3 Effectiveness and Revision of Terms
- These Terms of Service shall take effect when they are posted within the service or notified to the members by other means, making them easily accessible.
- These Terms shall remain valid from the time of membership registration until the member withdraws from membership.
- The Company may revise these Terms within the limits that do not violate the laws regarding the regulation of terms, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.
- When the Company revises these Terms, it shall specify the application date and reasons for revision, and notify members through the method specified in Section 1.3(1) from seven days before the application date until the day before the application date. However, changes to important provisions regarding the rights or obligations of members shall be notified at least 30 days in advance via the email registered by the member, along with the reasons for the changes.
- If the Company notifies or informs the members of the revised Terms as per Section 1.3(3) and the member does not explicitly express the intention to refuse, it shall be deemed that the member has agreed to the revised Terms.
- If a member does not agree to the changed Terms, they may discontinue the use of the service and withdraw from membership.
- Agreeing to these Terms signifies the member’s consent to regularly visit the service to check for changes in the Terms. The Company is not responsible for any damages incurred by the member due to a lack of awareness of the changes.
- The Company may establish separate terms or service-specific guidelines for certain services as necessary, and these Terms shall apply together with the separate terms and service-specific guidelines.
- Regarding changes to separate terms and service-specific guidelines, the provisions of Sections 1.3(3) and 1.3(4) shall apply mutatis mutandis.
1.4 Application of Rules and Interpretation Outside the Terms
- For matters not specified in these Terms, the regulations of related laws or the detailed usage guidelines established by the Company for the services shall apply.
- In the case of disputes regarding the interpretation of the contents of these Terms, related laws, customary practices, and service-specific guidelines shall apply.
Article 2 Service Contract
2.1 Establishment of the Service Contract
- The service contract is concluded when a person wishing to become a member agrees to the contents of these Terms, applies for membership, and the Company accepts this application.
- The establishment time of the service contract is the time indicated by the Company at the completion of the membership application process.
- When a member uses paid services, the principle is that they must pay the service fee before using the services, and the establishment time of the paid service contract is the time indicated by the Company at the completion of the purchase process.
- The Company may reserve acceptance if there is no available capacity for service-related facilities, or if there are technical or operational issues.
- The Company may classify members into different tiers based on company policy, differentiating their usage time, frequency of use, service menus, etc.
2.2 Acceptance and Restriction of Service Applications
- The Company generally accepts applications for service use from applicants.
- The Company may refuse acceptance or subsequently terminate the service contract for the following applications:
- If there are falsehoods, omissions, or errors in the registration information.
- If it is reasonably judged that the applicant may engage in criminal activities as defined by the Penal Code or other inappropriate actions that may disrupt normal service usage.
- If the member has previously lost membership due to their own fault.
- For any other reason where acceptance is difficult for the Company.
2.3 Changes to Member Information
- Members can view and modify their personal information at any time through the personal information management menu. However, the modification of the ID is not allowed for service management purposes.
- However, in the following cases, the Company may request a change of ID either ex officio or upon the member’s application:
- If the ID is registered as the member’s phone number, national ID number, etc., which poses a risk of exposure of personal information or invasion of privacy.
- If it causes discomfort to others or goes against social norms.
- For any other reasonable grounds as determined by the Company.
- If there are any changes to the information provided at the time of membership registration, the member must directly modify the information online or inform the Company of the changes through email or other means.
- The Company is not responsible for any disadvantages arising from failure to comply with Section 2.3(2).
2.4 Termination of the Service Contract
- Members may apply for service withdrawal at any time through the personal information management menu, and the Company must process this immediately in accordance with related laws.
- If a member terminates the contract, all member data will be deleted immediately, except in cases where the Company retains member information in accordance with relevant laws and privacy policies.
- When a member terminates the contract, all data registered to their account will be deleted.
- The Company may terminate the service contract without prior notice if the member falls under any of the following categories, and may refuse acceptance of re-application for service use or terminate the service contract afterwards:
- If the content recorded at the time of application and service contract is found to be false.
- If the member is confirmed to have used the services provided by the Company for purposes that exceed or violate their intended use.
- If the member obstructs or infringes upon the rights, honor, credit, or legitimate interests of other users or third parties.
- If the member deliberately disrupts the operation of the service, causing significant damage to the Company’s brand value.
- If the member obstructs or attempts to obstruct the Company’s rights, honor, or legitimate interests or the smooth provision of services by the Company.
- If the member does not resolve the reasons for restrictions after being restricted under "4-2. Obligations of Members" of these Terms.
- If the member continuously sends illegal spam, leading related public institutions to request contract termination.
- Members with only a service contract can withdraw immediately; however, members with a paid service contract can withdraw only after terminating the paid service contract.
Article 3 Provision and Use of Services
3-1. Provision of Services
- The service will be provided 24 hours a day, year-round, unless there are operational or technical reasons that prevent it.
- Services may be temporarily suspended for operational, technical, or service operational policy reasons. In such cases, the Company will notify users in advance or afterward.
- The use of services is fundamentally free of charge. However, users may be charged a fee for using certain services, such as paid features. The prices and payment methods for services will be posted on the relevant pages.
3-2. Conditions and Restrictions for Service Use
- Members can immediately use services for free or for a fee after signing up through a separate authentication method established by the Company.
- Personal information obtained from third parties with consent through the Company’s services will only be used for the previously notified purposes and will be destroyed within the retention period previously announced once the purpose has been fulfilled.
- The Company may restrict service usage if the member violates the obligations set forth in these Terms or disrupts the normal operation of the service. In this case, the Company will notify the member in accordance with Article 5 regarding notifications to members. However, if there are unavoidable reasons that prevent prior notification, the Company may notify the member afterward.
- If a member engages in activities that violate Article 4-2 ("Obligations of Members"), the Company may terminate the service contract or limit and suspend membership without prior notice. In the case of termination under this clause, any benefits obtained through service usage will also be voided, and the Company will not provide any compensation for this.
- Members can file objections regarding the restrictions on use as per this Article according to the procedures established by the Company. If the Company recognizes the objection as valid, it will immediately resume the member’s service usage.
3-3. Changes and Suspension of Services
- If there is a significant reason to change the service, the Company will notify members of the details of the changes and the provision date using the method specified in the notification to members.
- The Company may modify, suspend, or change some or all of the services provided free of charge due to its policies and operational needs. Unless there are special regulations in relevant laws, the Company will not provide separate compensation to members for this.
- The Company may offer separately defined paid services and features to limited members. The scope and content of the services, usage fees, billing, and payment methods will be in accordance with the Company’s policies and may be subject to change.
- The Company may restrict or suspend all or part of the services in the event of any of the following:
- Unavoidable circumstances due to maintenance, inspection, replacement, or breakdown of service-related equipment.
- If a member disrupts the Company’s business activities.
- If there are obstacles to normal service usage due to power outages, equipment failures, or surges in usage.
- If the Company cannot maintain the service due to its circumstances.
- Other force majeure circumstances such as natural disasters or national emergencies that make it difficult to provide services smoothly.
- In the event of service suspension under Section 3-3(3), the Company will notify users using the method specified in Article 5 regarding notifications to members.
3-4. Changes to Member Information
- Members can view and modify their personal information at any time through the service. However, the email ID necessary for service management cannot be modified.
- If a member’s information submitted to the Company changes while using the service, they must update it in the personal information settings or inform the Company of the changes through customer service or other means.
- The Company is not responsible for any disadvantages arising from the member’s failure to update their information, and all responsibility lies with the member.
3-5. Management of Member ID and Password
- Members must manage their ID and password meticulously. The member is responsible for any consequences arising from negligence in managing their ID and password or from unauthorized use.
- Members must not allow others to use their ID and password, and if they become aware that their ID and password have been stolen or used by someone else, they must immediately notify the Company and follow the Company’s guidance.
- Notwithstanding the provisions of the previous clause, if a member does not notify the Company of the theft or fails to follow the Company’s guidance after notification, the Company will not be liable for any disadvantages incurred by the member.
- The Company may restrict the use of a member ID if there are concerns about its leakage, if it goes against social norms, or if there is a risk of being mistaken for the Company or its operators.
3-6. Provision of Information
- The Company may provide various information deemed necessary to members during the use of services through announcements or emails. However, members may refuse to receive such information at any time, except for transaction-related information and customer service responses as required by relevant laws.
- The Company may send emails regardless of the member’s consent in the following cases:
- When sending a verification email to confirm ownership of the email address entered during application.
- When sending a verification email to confirm changes to the member’s information.
- In other cases where the Company determines that the information is critical for the member to know to provide the service.
Article 4 Responsibility and Obligations of Service Use
4-1. Company’s Obligations
- The Company shall do its best to operate and manage the system to ensure that the services provided are stable and smoothly available, and shall endeavor to repair and recover any failures without delay.
- The Company will establish and operate a security system to protect members’ personal information and will publish and comply with the "Privacy Policy."
- If complaints related to services are received from members, the Company shall handle them promptly and, if prompt processing is difficult, will notify members of the reasons and processing schedule by posting on the service screen or via email.
- The Company shall make efforts to resolve disputes between users utilizing the services if such disputes arise and resolution is not smooth.
- The Company may collect transaction information from users and submit it to the National Tax Service or tax offices as necessary to fulfill tax obligations.
- If a member’s registered information is found to be illegal and the Company receives administrative actions from relevant public agencies, it may take the necessary actions accordingly.
- If a member’s registered information is determined to be associated with fraudulent shopping sites or pages, the Company may restrict access to related pages and the use of services upon request from relevant public agencies.
- In the event of legal disputes arising between members and the Company or third parties, the Company may temporarily restrict the use of services if necessary due to legal proceedings.
- If code that affects the server is repeatedly registered, or if a large number of posts are bulk registered affecting the server, the Company may delete such content based on the impact level, and such deletion will not be recoverable. The Company will notify members of this through messages or emails to ensure that service usage is not inconvenienced.
- If the Company determines that a member is using the website for criminal purposes (illegal activities, fraud, trademark violations, etc.), it may report the matter to relevant authorities such as the e-Commerce Center, Cyber Safety Bureau of the National Police Agency, or the Korea Communications Standards Commission, and may restrict service usage.
- The Company will notify members if there are matters that need to be communicated according to Article 5 regarding notifications to members.
4-2. Members’ Obligations
- Members must comply with these Terms and applicable laws, service usage guides, notices posted on the service, and any notifications made by the Company regarding service usage. Members must not engage in activities that interfere with the Company’s operations. All losses and damages arising from failure to comply will be the sole responsibility of the member.
- Members must not engage in the following actions:
- Unauthorized use or theft of another member’s ID.
- Infringement of the Company’s or third parties’ intellectual property rights.
- Defamation or disruption of the Company’s or third parties’ reputations.
- Disclosure or posting of obscene or violent messages, images, audio, or any information contrary to public morals.
- Posting of pornographic or suggestive photos or text that disrupt public order or morals.
- Engaging in activities such as search engine spam, doorware pages, or pages that are very similar to other services, which provide little value to users.
- Engaging in activities that violate the content principles separately stipulated by the Company or do not correspond to the nature of the service.
- Continuously sending advertising information or certain content against the will of others.
- Engaging in any activity for profit, such as posting advertisements or promotions targeting an unspecified number of people.
- Engaging in any activity that may disrupt or threaten the stable operation of the service.
- Engaging in hacking or spreading computer viruses.
- Engaging in any other illegal or unjust activities.
- Members may not transfer or donate their service usage rights or any status under the service contract to others, nor may they provide it as collateral.
- Members are deemed to agree to the Company’s operating terms and privacy policy, and any other service-specific guidance throughout their usage period. If they continue to use the service without explicitly indicating their refusal after receiving notification of changes to the policy, they are considered to have agreed to the changes.
- Members must protect and manage all actions related to their ID and password used in the service.
- Members must collect personal information according to legal procedures and implement protective measures in accordance with laws related to personal information. Additionally, they must draft a privacy policy and post it on the homepage’s initial screen, managing the collected personal information responsibly. The Company will not be liable for any losses or damages incurred if these requirements are not met.
- Members must comply with the obligations of the relevant laws and the Company’s terms of service when sending advertising information as stipulated in the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection.
4-3. Security System Management and Obligations
- In the event of serious and urgent program defects or incidents related to security, the Company may apply patches uniformly to the parts of the service.
- In urgent cases of serious security issues, the Company may emergency change members’ authentication-related information.
- Members must not engage in the following actions that threaten the security of the Company or other members while using the Company’s services:
- Illegal distribution of computer viruses or other malicious programs.
- Vulnerability scanning or illegal intrusion targeting member information systems and other systems.
- Causing excessive traffic that disrupts normal service.
- Repeatedly uploading illegal advertising spam or bulk posts, causing inconvenience to service usage and leading to system delays or security issues through automated (macro) registration.
- Other various acts of intrusion that disrupt the operation of systems and the Company’s business.
- The Company may notify members of the security-related measures under this Article according to the provisions of Article 5 regarding notifications to members after the measures are taken or may exclude such notifications.
- The Company will do its best to ensure that members do not incur any damage due to the measures taken under this Article. In the event of an intermittent situation requiring emergency measures affecting multiple members, the Company may implement the measures without taking responsibility for compensation for damages incurred by some members.
Article 5 Notification to Members
- The Company may notify members via the electronic mail address designated by the member, electronic memos, messages, etc., unless otherwise specified in these Terms when notification to members is required.
- In the case of notifications to an unspecified number of members, the Company may substitute individual notifications by posting on the service.
Article 6 Collection, Protection, and Use of Member Information
- The Company collects and protects members’ information necessary for the establishment and fulfillment of the service contract within a minimum scope using lawful and fair means in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
- The Company will not use the user information collected for purposes other than those disclosed at the time of collection nor provide it to third parties without the user’s consent. However, the Company may provide such information in response to requests for access or submission from administrative or investigative agencies in accordance with relevant laws such as the Protection of Communications Secrets Act and the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection.
- The Company shall not bear any responsibility for member information that is exposed due to the member’s fault.
- The Company shall perform the tasks related to the processing and management of member information by itself, but if necessary, may entrust all or part of these tasks to a company designated by the Company, and will notify members through the Privacy Policy when such delegation occurs.
- If a member wishes to withdraw consent for the use or provision of member information provided to the Company during the contract signing process, they must do so in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Privacy Policy. If a member withdraws such consent, the service use contract shall be automatically terminated.
- The Company will publicly disclose the Privacy Policy regarding the protection and management of user information under the title "Privacy Policy" on the services operated by the Company for the benefit of those wishing to use the Company’s services.
Article 7 Management of Posts
- The rights and responsibilities concerning the posts and materials posted by members in the service belong to the member who posted them. The Company holds the posting rights for the posts and materials submitted by customers within the service and will not use them for commercial purposes without the consent of the posting member.
- Posts made by members within the service may be exposed in search results, services, and related promotions, and may be modified, reproduced, or edited as necessary for such exposure. In this case, the Company will comply with copyright law, and members may take actions such as deletion or making their posts private at any time through customer service or management functions within the service.
- The Company reserves the right to modify or delete posts that contain content violating the obligations set forth in “4-2. Members’ Obligations” of these Terms.
Article 8 Usage Fees
- Details of the service usage fees and any changes will be specified on the Company’s homepage in accordance with "4-1. Company’s Obligations" of these Terms.
- The types of usage fees that members must pay are as follows:
- Subscription Service Fees: Regular subscription services provided by the Company that guarantee service usage for a specified period.
- Paid Service Fees: Services that are used or purchased upon one-time payment.
- Members must make payment for the usage fees by the specified payment date. Failure to do so may result in the termination of the service contract. If a member wishes to reuse the service after termination, they can do so by making a new payment.
- Even if the usage fees change during the contract period, unless there are special circumstances, such changes will not apply retroactively to the ongoing contract period as of the change date.
Article 9 Refunds
- Refunds for paid services or subscription services during the usage period can be requested by the member either directly through the website or by contacting the company’s customer service.
- Refunds are subject to the “Usage Period and Refund Policy.”
Article 10 Ownership and Management of Copyright, Usage Restrictions
- The copyright of the posts made by members within the service belongs to the respective authors of those posts.
- Content posted by members in the service may be exposed in search results, services, and related promotions, and may be modified, reproduced, or edited as necessary for such exposure. In this case, the Company will comply with copyright law, and members can delete, exclude from search results, or make their posts private at any time through customer service or management functions within the service.
- If the Company intends to use member posts in ways other than those specified in Article 8, Clause 2, it must obtain the member’s consent in advance via telephone, email, etc.
- If a member’s post contains content that violates the Information and Communications Network Act or Copyright Act, the rights holder may request the suspension of posting and deletion of the post in accordance with the procedures established by law, and the Company and member shall take actions in accordance with relevant laws.
- Even in the absence of a request from the rights holder, if there are reasonable grounds to acknowledge infringement of rights or violations of other company policies or relevant laws, the Company may take temporary measures regarding the post in accordance with the law.
- Copyright and intellectual property rights concerning the service belong to the Company. However, this does not include member posts and works provided under partnership agreements.
- The Company grants members only the right to use their account, ID, and content according to the conditions established by the Company and members are not allowed to transfer, sell, or provide them as collateral.
Article 11 Exemption from Liability
- The Company shall not be liable for any failure of members to obtain expected benefits from the provision of the Company’s services or for any damages arising from the selection or use of services and any potential values associated with the service.
- The Company shall not be liable for failure to provide services due to national emergencies, natural disasters, interruptions in service provision by telecommunication service providers, power outages, hacker attacks, computer viruses, or other similar force majeure circumstances.
- The Company shall bear no responsibility for damages caused by the member’s fault.
- The Company shall not be responsible for the reliability, accuracy, and content of information, materials, or facts posted by members related to the service.
- The Company is not liable for any copyright infringements or legal violations committed by members.
- The Company shall not be liable for any incidental or commercial damages incurred by users due to service disruptions.
- The Company shall not be liable for transactions between members or between a member and a third party facilitated through the service.
- The Company is not liable for damages arising from members leaking or providing their personal information to others.
- The views expressed or revealed through member-linked posts are unrelated to the Company’s views, and the Company does not bear any responsibility for the posts provided by members.
- The Company has no obligation to pre-screen posts before registration or to continually review the content of posts, and it does not bear responsibility for the results thereof.
- The Company is not responsible for any issues arising from security problems that are outside the Company’s management scope or due to current security technology levels, such as network hacking that cannot be defended against without the Company’s fault.
- The Company shall not be liable for any responsibility related to the use of services provided for free unless there are specific provisions in relevant laws.
Article 12 Governing Law and Jurisdiction
- This agreement or service is governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea regarding lawsuits filed between the Company and members.
- In the event of a dispute arising between the Company and a member related to service usage, both parties shall make every effort to resolve the dispute and negotiate in good faith.
- If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation, either party may file a lawsuit with the competent court under the Civil Procedure Act, and the court with jurisdiction over the Company’s headquarters shall be the exclusive competent court.
Supplementary Provisions
These Terms shall take effect from January 14, 2022.